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Medieval Shields

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During the Middle Ages, shields were a primary means of defense for knights, as well as a bludgeoning weapon. It was during this period that the coat of arms was also introduced on shields. Because a knight’s face was covered by a visor, making him unrecognizable on the battlefield, the coat of arms was a form of identification for his fellow fighters. There were several different types of medieval shields that were designed for various occasions including hand to hand combat, jousting, fighting on horseback, etc. The materials used for each shield were chosen based on armor worn and form of combat, ranging from wood to leather to metal to animal skins. Just as the knights were prepared for every situation, now you can be too as Armor Venue is pleased to offer our line of medieval shields.

Whatever the circumstance, we feature a wide array of shields, including the popular buckler, kite, heater, and many more, sure to get the job done. Based on historically authentic design, our shields are perfect for costumes, re-enactments, and displays. If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call at 1-800-315-0377.

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