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Greek Clothing and Accessories

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If you are a fan of warm weather, ancient Greece was the place for you. Sun and heat made up their climate most of the year and thus, Greek clothing was typically light and airy. Their standard attire was comprised of a tunic and a cloak, which were constructed from linen or wool. The tunic was the base garment and varied in length. The Greeks would also find ways to enhance their look by accessorizing it with other apparel pieces. While Greek style was simple, it had it’s appeal and now it’s your turn to get your Greek on too. With Armor Venue’s line of Greek clothing and accessories, you will find tunic options guaranteed to help you stand out as authentically Greek.

Whether you are attending a Renaissance faire, participating in a re-enactment, or looking for the ideal costume, our line of Greek clothing and accessories will get the job done. If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call at 1-800-315-0377.

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