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WWI & WWII German Helmets

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World War 2 is one of the only wars unanimously thought of as necessary—one of the last honorable wars in history. The heroic deeds of soldiers and the shocking suffering wrought at the hands of the nazis has been commemorated and memorialized in museums, books, films, and documentaries. It was also one of the first examples of “total war” in modern history, where all sides devote every resource and civilian to the war effort. Armor Venue is proud to offer stunning replicas of equipment and weapons used during WWII. Excellent for stage and film productions and reenactment scenarios, these items are also ideal for WWII aficionados and history buffs in general. We carry a wide selection of World War 2 gun replicas, including the famous M92 automatic pistol and a 1938 German model. We also offer an assortment of other WWII-era weapons, such as M1928 submachine guns, German WWII stick grenades, and machine pistols as well as period helmets.

From Assyrian boar tusks to Ancient Greek bronze, helmets have provided crucial protection in battle as early as 1600 BC. As weapons became more powerful and capable of more damage, helmets had to keep up the pace. By WWI, helmets were developed to deflect the shock from explosions and other artillery fire. Years later, WWII would give birth to one of the most famous—and most collectible—helmets ever made: the M1 helmet. Made of steel and painted an olive camouflage green, the M1 helmet could be used not only for protection, but also as a bucket for water, a seat, and a cooking pot when times were desperate. Helmets such as these were used by Allies and Germans alike. Armor Venue proudly offers replicas of such helmets, including the German paratrooper helmet, an early WWI German helmet, and even a pre-WWI German helmet. We also offer helmet accessories, such as the camouflage paratrooper helmet cover. Great for display and ideal for props or reenactments.

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