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Roman Armor

Spring Sale

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The 1st century historian Josephus once remarked that Roman people were born ready armed, and it is even suggested that for much of its history, Rome existed solely to support and fund the Roman military. Conquering two continents and establishing one of the largest empires in the ancient world, ancient Rome is known almost singularly for its formidable, precisely-disciplined army.

Roman soldiers in armor are some of the most familiar images in history, as they have been featured in popular artwork for centuries, from sculptures to vases to paintings. With that in mind, who wouldn't want to dress up in Roman soldier armor and embody a soldier in the greatest army the world has ever known?

While light infantry wore little armor to allow free movement, shielded only by a Roman Tunic, legionary soldiers and centurions were given the superior protection of the Lorica Hamata, which provided good coverage across the body.

We offer all of these authentic pieces of Roman soldier armor and more, including the iconic blue Gladiator tunic, the Lorica Segmentata, plated armor unique to the Roman Empire. Perhaps you are simply looking to quickly build your Roman armor costume. In this case, we have several excellent package deals that include everything you?ll need, from your Centurion helmet to your tunic and belt.

If you are someone who is dedicated to getting all of the details just right, we even carry Roman marching sandals to go with your Roman solider uniform, so you will truly be authentic from head to toe.

When you're not reenacting the triumphs and battles of Caesar, you can use our Armor Stand to display your replica of the magnificent armor that won an empire.

Our Roman helmets will also make a great addition to your armor as well as our wide selection of Roman Swords. Please view our Roman shields to see our other items and complete your costume or collection.