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Women's Medieval Clothing

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Though not mentioned nearly as often as the male figures of the Middle Ages, quite a few famous females emerged from this period as well. Perhaps the most known is Joan of Arc, who led her people to victory in the Hundred Years War and claimed to have a vision from God. Then there is Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen of France and England who mand they did it in style. Wearing a tunic, a long flowing dress or gown, and a fancy head dress, female fashion was full of color and character. Female fashion in the Middle Ages was full of color and distinctive character. With Armor Venue’s line of women’s medieval clothing, now you can recreate these popular period trends and catch the eye of any lord or knight passing by.

Whether you are going on a peasant outing, schmoozing with the nobles, or waiting for your prince to come, our line of gowns, dresses, and other apparel promises something

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